Unverified email sender

The intent of this article is to showcase an exception for merchants. This exception is related to cname records on a domain name, and is resolved through a change in the cname records.


  1. Reference the records sent in previous requests.
    – Can’t find the email? Request new.
  2. Contact Merchant Support and request guidance


Check within the DNS of your domain name.

Example providers: domains.google, aws, godaddy

Example exception notification in gmail.

Text from message above

Be careful with this message. This may be a spoofed message. The message claims to have been sent from your account, but Express Parcel International, LTD Mail couldn’t verify the actual source. Avoid clicking links or replying with sensitive information, unless you are sure you actually sent this message. (No need to reset your password, the real sender does not actually have access to your account!)

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