
Express Parcel International, LTD Services

Express Parcel International, LTD is a parcel spend management and recovery solution

Used by companies of all sizes, including larger enterprises, to lower shipping costs. The apps and services listed below work together to lower total spend on shipping and automate the tedious task of parcel spend management. Specifications, including key benefits and implementation guides are documented for each of the services detailed below.

Shipment auditing services for all

Express Parcel International, LTD benefits companies of all sizes by lowering shipping costs. The services directed towards finding and claiming refund credits is the value-add that new customers first notice. Within just the first few weeks, all customers, even those migrating from a different auditing software solution provider, see the realization of more refund credits delivered. Better software yields bigger savings for Express Parcel International, LTD customers.
Data-driven reporting helps customers visualize the entire supply chain, and identify possibilities to garner efficiencies. The automated tools supporting the reporting services streamline many of the tedious communication tasks performed by small parcel managers, and reduce operational overhead. Spend less time managing with Express Parcel International, LTD’s reporting and automated communication services.

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