How to schedule reports for customers

Your customers may need assistance scheduling emailed reports. The intent of this article is to outline the steps a Merchant Admin or Merchant Manager must take to schedule reports for customers.

Schedule reports for customers

The flexibility of scheduled reports

Scheduled reports can be sent weekly, bi-weekly or monthly and on the day of the week that best suits your business requirements. You have total control of the report format, cadence, and recipients.

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. On the left sidebar, tap Users.
  3. Search for the user on the page.
  4. Tap Login as user on the right side of the User record.
  5. Tap Reports in the left sidebar menu.
  6. Navigate to Export data card on the page.
  7. Tap the Report schedules button.
  8. Select the options within the Add report schedule card.
  9. Tap Schedule report button.

Additional Resources

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