How to remove a pause on a customer account related to overdue payment

Looking to unpause a user account?

Tap the do not pause account on overdue checkbox within the Edit User page and then tap the update button.

A invoice that’s 10 or more days past due will cause a customer account to pause. Upon pause, the notification email recipients on your merchant account are notified. An email is also sent to the notification email recipients listed for the user account. This article defines the guide on re-enabling services for an user account with an overdue invoice.

How to remove the pause

  1. Sign in to your merchant account as an admin user type.
  2. Go to Users and choose the paused user.
  3. Navigate to the Billing options section.
  4. Tap Do not pause account on overdue.
  5. Tap Update button.

All services will resume on all shipping accounts associated with the user account.

Cases for removing a pause

Customer makes check payments. Extend terms to the customer to give time for the check to arrive in the mail. This streamlines communication and the payment workflow. Ask for accounts payable contact email address, and place this on the billing notifications email.

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