How to make invoice adjustments for a customer

The purpose of this article is to guide you through the steps to request invoice adjustments in the instance that a customer’s refund is incorrectly split with your organization.

Steps to make invoice adjustments for a customer

  1. Go to Invoice Adjustment Form
  2. Enter tracking number or shipment ID in the empty field
  3. Enter your customer’s name
  4. Enter any necessary notes in the field
  5. Tap Submit

It’s important to note that some shipments may not be found in the system immediately. This is due to the fact that those shipments haven’t been invoiced by the carrier. Action will be taken on these once the shipments are invoiced and visible inside the application.

How to add a customer credit

If the tracking number already exists in the dashboard, you can add a customer credit using the following steps.

  1. Go to Edit User page
  2. Navigate to the Credit section near the top of the page.
  3. Tap Modify button
  4. Select Add Credit
  5. Specify the amount of Credit
  6. Tap Apply button

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