How to create a manual invoice

Express Parcel International, LTD supports its merchants and their unique business operations. As a merchant, you might offer services that extend beyond the ones provided by the Express Parcel International, LTD Merchant System. Some merchants prefer to add their own consulting fees or reporting charges to the invoice. In this instance, you would need to create a manual invoice to reflect the desired changes.

Create a manual invoice for the customer

  • Login into your merchant account
  • Go to the Edit User page
  • Tap the Add Invoice button under the designated customer
  • Complete the required fields
  • Tap Add Invoice button

Directions for customers with QBO integration enabled

If your customers have QBO integration enabled, take the extra precaution to specify a product or service name that matches what already exists in QBO. Invoices may not sync into QBO if this is done incorrectly.

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